10 early signs for you to get ready for the next move

There are dozens of lies that have still been circulating in the business world. The worst business lie of all in my view is “It’s not supposed to be fun — that’s why they call it work!”

Work must be fun, or shareholders and customers are getting ripped off. Would any CEO be proud to stand in front of investors and say “In my company, work isn’t fun. Our employees only work for us because they can’t find better jobs”?

When work is fun, people develop authenticity for their best ideas to be spilled out. They collaborate more easily because they’re not afraid of missing one of their daily yardsticks and getting in trouble. When work is fun, innovation and collaboration happen naturally.

Now, think of yourself. It is better to know late than never that your views about work are wrong and now is the time to give yourself a chance to move on to the next level. Here are the 10 early signs for you to get ready for another transition:

  1. When you feel like you are the smartest person in the entire organization.
  2. When you see yourself as a victim.
  3. When you struggle to complete your tasks each day and every day.
  4. When you don’t believe things will change for the better.
  5. When you put expectations on your boss to bend the rules to please you.
  6. When you accumulate a lot of pain and have a hard time letting go.
  7. When you got into blackmailing your team and clients instead of looking for creativity and inspiration.
  8. When you can’t stand change.
  9. When you claim that you are never the reason for problems. 
  10. When you don’t respect your boss.

If this is your case? Don’t worry, you are not alone. Once you realize the evidence, get down to work on yourself. At the end of the day, learning to dance is cheaper then a therapy.

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