Do we really need a reason to smile?

Life is lived at the highest point when you are able to recognize or build momentums and literally grab them for the benefit of yourself or other people. However, more often than not, we get too careful and modest to express our vision, principles, values, and ourselves. One of the reasons for this misfortune is this widely dominated misconception that life is too serious and any efforts to reverse its bitter taste are considered as being naïve or worse even lunatic. Moreover, in some societies and countries, such limited thinking is actually encouraged. 

Smiling gets misinterpreted in the wrong way as well. What are the genuine regards for smiling?  

  • Smiling is a way to remind that even though days are long, life is too short to be spent in hatred, cruelty, and misunderstanding. 
  • Smiling is a medium to demonstrate your true feelings to your loved ones. Even if they are sometimes overwhelming, they are the true feelings. 
  • Smiling is a part of a contemplation process of the beauty and nature around us.
  • Smiling is a technique to release stress, stay focused and increase your productivity along the busy day.
  • Smiling is a conductor of personal creativity. 
  • Smiling is a means to encourage people around you to overcome the challenges they face with ease.
  • Smiling is a method to appreciate yourself and the enormous efforts you have already put to deliver any given project.
  • Smiling puts you in a self-controlled mode of operation. Leaders use it for pausing, reflecting and taking better decisions. 
  • Smiling is a source of energy people use to welcome each day, give it endless chances and stay open to opportunities.
  • Smiling can serve to shift people’s unconscious behaviors. 
  • Smiling is a doorway to an authentic life and a way to turn the clock back or make it work for you.
  • Smiling is a device people wear to be seen as a role model for their children or as a leader for their colleagues. 
  • Smiling is a modus of self-forgiveness and acceptance.
  • Smiling is a recipe for living a life with universal values.
  • We smile to make room for happiness in our busy schedules. 
  • Smiling is the first step to dream big enough and give yourself a promise to come closer to it on a daily basis.
  • Surely, you are never fully dressed without a smile.
  • On top of that, smiling people are those that stay the same privately, publicly, and personally.

Smiling is a survival set of skills. And people do have a really difficult time not smiling at their life.

After all, should you become apologetic for giving yourself the best efforts? NO PERMISSION NEEDED TO BE WONDERFUL! No matter with whom you deal, do not get confused and be prepared to reassure the person. Keep this manifesto at your ready.

Smiling is taken for granted by people with a fixed mentality or those that struggle financially. These individuals take positive thinking as a doctrine or a remedy for desperate and hopeless people. Bear in mind that they get stuck because they see themselves as a finished product. Thereafter, pure logic and rationality result insensibly in overthinking life and doubts embrace their nature. Obviously, they did not get as lucky as you are to become a master of their thoughts, attitudes, and wishes. They get scared of a chance to start anew.  People with a fixed mentality are still in the process to define their vision and purpose. Expressing their feelings freely and opening their minds are yet to come to them. They are not used to discover their own skills. Reluctance to receive gratitude and to be praised reveals their challenges to accept previously made mistakes. They are not yet aware that empathy, inclusiveness, and the acceptance of differences are the keys to new horizons and heights. 

Continue to smile graciously while explaining the hidden benefits of smiling. Rest assured that you already touched the person’s heart. Go slowly and gently, as it takes time to observe life from a new perspective. It won’t hurt the person if he sees your openness to support him even more. Assist him with whatever you can.

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