How to stay both strong and soft

It is incredibly difficult to achieve extraordinary results, as it takes growing personal skills and transforming a mindset.  The process of learning to stay strong and soft will indeed make a person experience such a transformation wave. Are you ready?

When we are young, we are rushed by our surrounding to grow up with force, as this is what we think, at that age, will foster our professional growth.  However, after experiencing challenges to collaborate with colleagues, to work as a team, and eventually to achieve more, we urge for a recalibration and an alignment with the self. Leadership emerges from hidden qualities in us and evokes them on the surface.  Leadership also naturally reveals softness in us.

The mechanism behind this type of transformation resembles the process of silk threading.  Silk thread is natural, very light, delicate, and tiny. And all the magic happens when silk is thread piece by piece.  This previously fragile material transforms its qualities and becomes incredibly strong whilst without losing softness. Also, products made of silk are very durable.

The following tools will help you to merge softness and strength similar to the art of silk threading:




In reality, we do not know ourselves. To learn a character, it takes an inventory of a person’s personality and features he has already developed. As well, positive and negative attributes of the person’s character and his strengths and weaknesses should be acknowledged.

Now, knowing yourself you will start applying the tools to transform yourself. Only practice bridges us to desired outcomes.


Meditate on the qualities you want to enhance within you. Also, bring back in your memory the moments you felt softness. Each of us experiences them even shortly. Gratitude, compassion, and forgiveness are among the most powerful subjects for reflection. By training yourself to feel it purposefully and consciously, it is possible to make it natural.


Thoughts become powerful when you visualize them. Visualization will channel your flexibility and creativity. Make a habit of visualizing unfolding healthy relationships, a perfect day and your future. The idea here to start living the desired moments long before they happen.


Traditions and rituals anchor our actions. Since each of us is different and unique, each of us should create his own rituals and traditions.  Gradually with practice, you will develop a sense of security as well.

This is how people reinvent themselves and bring a zest in their lives.


We are not born perfect; we make ourselves slowly but surely. Keep your new image in your mind and do not let anyone bring you back to the old page. How you perceive yourself will influence how others perceive you.


This article is co-authored with Micheline Tanguay, a spiritual mentor.

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