The need for participation of women in the economy

Women make up around half of each country’s population, and excluding them from the workforce creates a large unused pool of human capital, limiting job creation, growth, and innovation in their country.

Women can contribute fundamentally to a nation’s economy. The additional economic activity created by women workers and entrepreneurs creates significant economic activity. The GDP per capita will be higher due to growth and new job creation. There will be reductions in poverty rates.  

As women tend to spend their money more for the benefit of the next generation, more children will have positive economic prospects such as the participation of children in universal primary education and a reduced child mortality rate. Kids of working moms generally grow into happy adults. 



Women contribute to rural development because there are many of them living in rural areas.  

Women can contribute to innovative development with their value-driven attitudes, flexibility and growth mentality. 

Feminine leaders are counted on to make the long-awaited shift of a global society from a fixed and vulnerable agenda to an inclusive and responsible management.  


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