The tale of the quiet mountain and the heavenly woman

Professional success of a person lies in the dimension of his personal life and his beliefs. I dedicate this “Tale of the Quiet Mountain and the Heavenly Woman” to my family, friends, and colleagues for shaping my vision and supporting me in my career.

Is it possible to make love omnipresent and perpetuate it? Or we only should hope for its sudden appearance then again breathlessly wait for its next manifestation. What is it, love? Is it always stormy, like a hurricane, leaving devastation on its way? Or is live quiet and energizing for two lucky people?

Erich Maria Remarque well described relationships between loved ones in the tale of the wave and the cliff (his novel “Arch of Triumph”). “Once upon a time there was a wave who loved a rock in the sea. The wave foamed and swirled around the rock, she kissed him day and night, she embraced him with her white arms, she sighed and wept and besought him to come to her. She loved him and stormed about him and in that way slowly undermined him, and one day he yielded, completely undermined, and sank into her arms. 

And suddenly he was no longer a rock to be played with, to be loved, to be dreamed of. He was only a block of stone at the bottom of the sea, drowned in her. The wave felt disappointed and deceived and looked for another rock.

Why did the cliff fail to remain the cliff? And the wave? Will she always be so disappointed? And none of them will ever find their chosen one?  Let’s rewrite this tale of the wave and the cliff in a whole new way. In the way, where the two live in harmony and learn to remain open to each other in spite of anything.

On a large island, remote from the view, in the immense ocean there lived a mountain. The mountain was high and majestic. This wonder of the world attracted those wanderers who dared to rewrite the rules invented for them by someone and became brave enough to touch the bottomless ocean of miracles.  

A heavenly woman once flying by was lucky to be left alone with the mountain. The tranquility of both revived the unshakable calm of the mountain and gifted a woman with a unique capability to decorate the world around. The solitude in the beauty and virtues of each other served to both as a shelter from the growing vanity and sudden adversity. Day and night, the heavenly woman fluttered around the mountain and glorified his earthly beauty and power. She humbly sought out the mountain’s hidden treasures and whispered tenderly to her loved one about them. The mountain in its turn bestowed the heavenly woman with its diversity. There was everything in the mountain – a winter and a summer, the bright sun, a cool breeze, picturesque views, a shade on the river bank, silence and songs of birds. They both strove for the only thing – to nourish each other day after day and enjoy every given moment.

Why do we make a competition out of love? Why should one always be stronger or better than the other?  Turning time back and changing this typical scenario is not easy. Playing miracles is a big part of everlasting and infinite love. When each of the two acts as the creator of his own destiny, finds his purpose and remains open to the significant other – only then love becomes quiet, immeasurable and even palpable to others.

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