What you can make with beauty

We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. Below are numerous facets of beauty proving it.
So what can we make with beauty?
Notice it
Appreciate it
Feel it
Look for it
Contemplate on it
Enjoy it
Pass it to others
Multiply it
Capture it (Draw, Paint, etc)
Write about it
Get inspired with it
Speak about it
Learn from it
Get nurtured and nurture with it
Add it if it is missing
Make it
Prioritize it
Heal with it
Build on it
Advocate for it
Simplify things with it
Get surrounded by it
Listen to it
Energy with it
Light up with it
Liberate with it
Progress with it
Preach it
Surrender to it
Adore it
Guard it
Become it
Be it
Save the world with it!
Make sure to experiment with the beauty around us and implement the facets of it in your own life each time and every time.
Now your turn. What can you make with beauty?
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