When it is worth starting from the end

Is aging the only way to become wise and extraordinary? Or do tools exist to boost transformation and rapid evolution of people?

As you read this article you mayidentify yourself in one of the following four stages of personal recoding or personal transformation.


At this first stage young people are exploring the world around them. They are learning the rules and writing their first scripts from scratch. This learning process happens more by acquiring the experience of other people and lessons already learned by them.  Not knowing themselves yet, young people try to act in different roles and fields.  However they are often reacting to the external challenges they come across. 


At this stage, we come to the understanding of the world we choose to build. No matter the gender, the hardships put a burden on us. Commitments to build a house, raise children and succeed in life, make us develop masculine skills. This way we learn to become strong and work hard. We compete and resist.  We train ourselves to be efficient, persistent, rational. 


Then suddenly, we understand that this extensive pressure does not really bring fulfillment and we doubt if this is the only way of living a life. At this time, we return to the appreciation of what we already obtained and deserved.  We start looking for smarter ways of working. If we are lucky enough we discover the hidden potential inside us. We now care about ourselves and the people around us.  It is time to develop additional feminine skills in us. We reflect, adjust easily, listen and collaborate to be more productive.  We are not even afraid to fail, taking any possible failure as an opportunity to learn more.  We become fully committed to a personal growth.


A person at this juncture can be at her fullest form of expression, both personally and professionally. As a leader a person has a vast perspective.

Power is an interesting commodity. It can be oppressive, or nurturing. It can be controlling, or generous. A person who has been committed to the creation of authentic power is the embodiment of all that is good and valuable. This form of power is healing and transformative. All those around this person, and everybody she meets feel it. 

Being ageless comes from an inner attitude. It is the anticipation of more to learn, and more to give. It is the knowledge that life has both good and bad, but overall… it’s an amazing journey. Being ageless means there is an internal vitality that breaths life into our day-to-day activities, as well as future goals. After all, the beauty of a person is the ability to access the power within the heart and mind, while allowing the spirit to shine forth. Beauty becomes a way of being, rather than a way of looking. Whatever life experiences have been lived are now visibly displayed for all to see. There are scowl lines or laugh lines. There is a vacancy in the eyes, or there is a keen glow.

It has happened to me personally to rewrite my models of reality and modify my value system three times already. I turned 40 years old this year and without wasting any time I am aiming directly, but this time intentionally and not accidentally, to the end or the final stage 4.  

Now I know the secrets of what makes me rich and ageless. My life can be rich with adventures, love and experience. I am rich in my personality. I expand my mental and physical horizons. I maintain an attitude of curiosity and wonder. I am ageless with my authenticity and contribution to change the world for better.  

Interestingly, companies and societies live the same 4 stages of development. There are masculine and feminine companies, as well as masculine and feminine countries. Surprisingly, all of them tend to behave differently, though they too could become everlasting.  

What stage are you in? How do you help others accelerate their transformation?

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